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Lists - RC and Other
I've tried to make the lists printer-friendly, but they don't look the same in all browsers. So you may prefer to use the PDF versions. If you want to save a PDF, right click on the link, then select "save target as," or "save link target as." When printing these PDFs from Adobe, they may come out best if you set "Page Scaling" to "None."
For lists with links to online texts, see the Free Books page.
Scroll down, or click below to jump to a section.
- RC Book Lists
- Henty Book Lists
- Historical Fiction Lists
RC BOOK LISTS (Some titles and authors have been corrected or expanded from the original list.)
• RC List - plain ---(or pdf)
• RC List - with lines ---(or pdf)
• RC List by Author
Printable Author List ---(or pdf)
• RC Chronological List ---(or pdf) - not all of the RC books, only history. (Lists historical subjects in more detail than the RC subject lists.)
• RC & Henty Chronological List ---(or pdf) - not all of the RC books, only history. (Lists historical subjects in more detail than the RC subject lists.)
• RC Subjects by Category
Printable Subjects by Category List ---(or pdf)
• RC Numerical Subject List
Printable Numerical Subject List ---(or pdf)
• RC Page Count List ---(or pdf) - also includes list of pages that weren't marked "D" in the software, but which you may want to skip. (More dark pictures that were simply overlooked.) Learn more about how and why to skip dark pages.
• Henty Book List ---(or pdf)
• Henty Chronological List ---(or pdf)
• Henty & RC Chronological List ---(or pdf) - not all of the RC books, only history.
• Henty Page Count List ---(or pdf) - also includes list of pages that weren't marked "D" in the software, but which you may want to skip. (More dark pictures that were simply overlooked.) Learn more about how and why to skip dark pages.
• Historical Fiction List ---(or pdf)
• Historical Fiction Chronological List ---(or pdf)
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