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RC Books Sorted by Author (or pdf version) Titles are followed by their RC book #. Aesop Aesop's Fables - 31 Alcott, Louisa May Little Men - 51 Little Women - 49 Alger, Horatio Jr. Andy Gordon - 341 Andy Grant's Pluck - 346 Bound to Rise - 351 Brave and Bold - 55 The Cash Boy - 348 Charlie Codman's Cruise - 343 Do and Dare - 39 The Erie Train Boy - 336 Facing the World - 56 Frank's Campaign - 345 Hector's Inheritance - 347 Jack's Ward - 43 Jed, the Poor House Boy - 352 Joe's Luck - 344 Luke Walton - 349 Making His Way - 338 Only an Irish Boy - 339 Paul the Peddler - 342 Phil the Fiddler - 335 Risen from the Ranks - 353 Sam's Chance - 340 Slow and Sure - 334 Strive and Succeed - 333 Walter Sherwood's Probation - 350 The Young Acrobat - 337 The Young Salesman - 332 Allen, Charles Fletcher David Crockett, Scout - 57 Anonymous The Song of Roland - 100 Appleton, Victor Tom Swift and His Air Scout - 23 Tom Swift and His Airship - 21 Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout - 329 Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat - 36 Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle - 328 Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat - 48 Tom Swift and His Wireless Message - 330 Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera - 331 Bailey, Arthur Scott The Tale of Chirpy Cricket - 355 The Tale of Jolly Robin - 6 The Tale of Old Dog Spot - 356 The Tale of Paddy Muskrat - 9 The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker - 354 The Tale of Solomon Owl - 7 Baldwin, James Fifty Famous Stories Retold - 14 Bastiat, Frederic Economic Sophisms also called Sophisms of the Protectionists - 96 The Law - 84 Beckmann, Petr The Health Hazards of NOT going Nuclear - 132 Beebe, Mabel B. Four American Naval Heroes - 15 Brockett, L. P. The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln - 97 Browning, Robert The Pied Piper of Hamelin - 53 Bryant, William Cullen Picturesque America (Vol. 1) - 64 Picturesque America (Vol. 2) - 82 Bunyan, John The Holy War - 103 The Pilgrim's Progress - 76 Caesar, Julius Bellum Civile also called The Civil War - 156 Caesar's Gallic War also called The War in Gaul - 136 De Bello Gallico also called Commentaries on the Gallic War or C. Iuli Caesaris Commentarii (with T. Rice Holmes) - 157 Calvin, John Institutes of the Christian Religion (Vol. 1) - 147 Institutes of the Christian Religion (Vol. 2) - 150 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 40 Through the Looking-Glass - 40 Castlemon, Harry The Haunted Mine - 375 Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quixote - 119 Chamberlain, John The Enterprising Americans - 127 Churchill, Sir Winston S. My African Journey - 128 The World Crisis (Vol. 1) - 138 Cicero Orations (of Marcus Tullius Cicero) - 121 Clifford, W. K. The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences - 143 Collodi, C. The Adventures of Pinocchio (or A Tale of a Puppet) - 24 Cooper, James Fenimore Afloat and Ashore - 91 The Pathfinder - 70 The Spy - 81 Crockett, David Life of David Crockett (Autobiography) - 93 Not Yours to Give - 94 Dabney, R. L. The Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall) - 108 Dana, Richard Henry Two Years Before the Mast (And Twenty-Four Years After) - 142 Davis, Jefferson The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (Vol. 1) - 133 The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (Vol. 2) - 139 Deering, Fremont B. (John Henry Goldfrap) The Border Boys Across the Frontier - 362 The Border Boys in the Canadian Rockies - 361 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe - 75 Dickens, Charles Oliver Twist - 116 A Tale of Two Cities - 131 Dodge, Mary Mapes Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates - 46 Doyle, Arthur Conan The Hound of the Baskervilles - 61 The White Company - 110 Dunham, O. M. Childhood's Happy Hours - 11 Emerson, Alice B. Ruth Fielding and the Gypsies - 312 Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall - 308 Ruth Fielding at College - 314 Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch - 310 Ruth Fielding at Snow Camp - 309 Ruth Fielding at Sunrise Farm - 311 Ruth Fielding at the War Front - 316 Ruth Fielding Homeward Bound - 317 Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures - 313 Ruth Fielding in the Red Cross - 315 Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill - 307 Faraday, Michael The Chemical History of a Candle - 134 The Forces of Matter - 134 Finlay, Roger The Wonder Island Boys: Capture and Pursuit - 377 The Wonder Island Boys: The Castaways - 376 Finley, Martha Elsie Dinsmore - 357 Elsie's Children - 360 Elsie's Girlhood - 358 Mildred and Elsie - 359 Franklin, Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - 87 Garis, Howard R. Dick Hamilton's Cadet Days - 364 Dick Hamilton's Fortune - 363 From Office Boy to Reporter - 365 Goldsmith, Oliver The Vicar of Wakefield - 95 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant (Vol. 1) - 67 Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant (Vol. 2) - 71 Hamilton, Alexander (with James Madison, John Jay) The Federalist (Papers) - 122 Harris, Joel Chandler Told by Uncle Remus - 60 Uncle Remus - 29 Uncle Remus and His Friends - 62 Uncle Remus Returns - 42 Harvey, William On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals - 125 Hazlitt, Henry Economics in One Lesson - 101 Henty, G. A. The Boy Knight also called Winning His Spurs or Fighting the Saracens - 47 Holmes, Oliver Wendell The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever - 125 Poems - 90 Holmes, T. Rice De Bello Gallico also called Commentaries on the Gallic War or C. Iuli Caesaris Commentarii (with Julius Caesar) - 157 Hope, Laura Lee The Bobbsey Twins at Home - 323 The Bobbsey Twins at Meadow Brook - 322 The Bobbsey Twins at School - 10 The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge - 320 The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore - 319 The Bobbsey Twins in a Great City - 324 The Bobbsey Twins in the Country - 318 The Bobbsey Twins in the Great West - 327 The Bobbsey Twins on a Houseboat - 321 The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island - 325 The Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea - 326 Irving, Washington Life of George Washington (Vol. 1) - 72 Life of George Washington (Vol. 2) - 77 Life of George Washington (Vol. 3) - 80 Jenner, Edward The Three Original Publications on Vaccination Against Smallpox - 125 Kearny, Cresson H. Nuclear War Survival Skills - 378 Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous - 59 The Jungle Book - 68 The Second Jungle Book - 69 Just So Stories - 45 Rudyard Kipling's Verse; Inclusive Edition (1885-1918) - 78 Leslie, Frank The Soldier in Our Civil War (Vol. 1) - 104 The Soldier in Our Civil War (Vol. 2) - 114 Lincoln, Abraham Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln (1832-1865) - 137 Lister, Joseph On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery - 125 Locke, John An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Vol. 1) - 153 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Vol. 2) - 154 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth The Song of Hiawatha - 73 MacDonald, George Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood - 105 Heather and Snow - 107 Machiavelli, Niccolo The Prince - 148 May, Sophie Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmother's - 305 Dotty Dimple at Home - 302 Dotty Dimple at Play - 301 Dotty Dimple Out West - 303 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway - 304 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple - 300 Little Prudy's Sister Susy - 306 McGuffey, William (not alphabetical) McGuffey's Eclectic Primer - 1 McGuffey's First Eclectic Reader - 2 McGuffey's Second Eclectic Reader - 5 McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader - 44 McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader - 52 McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader - 63 McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader - 79 Milton, John Paradise Lost - 144 Paradise Regained - 146 Newton, Isaac Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John - 155 Ollivant, Alfred Bob, Son of Battle also called Owd Bob - 50 Pasteur, Louis The Germ Theory and its Applications to Medicine and Surgery - 125 On the Extension of the Germ Theory to the Etiology of Certain Common Diseases - 125 The Physiological Theory of Fermentation - 125 Patchin, Frank Gee The Pony Rider Boys in Montana - 369 The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico - 371 The Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali - 370 The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies - 368 Pollard, Josephine Young Folks' Bible - 13 Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the New World - 12 The Life of George Washington - 4 Our Hero General U. S. Grant - 8 Ray, Dixy Lee & Guzzo, Lou Environmental Overkill - 111 Read, Leonard On That Day Began Lies - 102 Robinson, Arthur Access to Energy - 152 Roosevelt, Theodore Theodore Roosevelt; An Autobiography - 115 Rothbard, Murray What Has Government Done to Our Money? - 99 Scott, Admiral Sir Percy Fifty Years in the Royal Navy - 140 Scott, Sir Walter Ivanhoe - 130 Shackleton, E. H. The Heart of the Antarctic (Vol. 1) - 112 The Heart of the Antarctic (Vol. 2) - 123 Shakespeare, William Hamlet, Prince of Denmark - 149 Julius Caesar - 124 King Henry V - 141 Sherman, William T. Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman - 118 Sidney, Margaret Ben Pepper - 28 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew - 18 Five Little Peppers Midway - 19 The Adventures of Joel Pepper - 33 Simon, Julian The Ultimate Resource 2 - 151 Smith, Adam (An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of) The Wealth of Nations - 145 Spyri, Johanna Heidi - 34 Stefansson, Vilhjalmur The Friendly Arctic; The Story of Five Years in Polar Regions - 98 Stephens, Alexander A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States - 129 Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island - 85 Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's Travels - 65 Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 117 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - 66 Life on the Mississippi - 120 The Prince and the Pauper - 74 Pudd'nhead Wilson - 88 Those Extraordinary Twins - 88 Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective, and Other Stories - 113 Various Nursery Rhymes (Altemus' Wee Books) - 3 American Historical Documents (1000-1904) - 126 Verne, Jules The Mysterious Island - 109 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - 106 Washington, Booker T. Up from Slavery - 58 Washington, George The Diaries of George Washington (Vol. 1) - 83 The Diaries of George Washington (Vol. 2) - 86 The Diaries of George Washington (Vol. 3) - 89 The Diaries of George Washington (Vol. 4) - 92 Watson, Henry C. The Friend of Washington; A Young Folks' Life of General Lafayette - 54 Webster, Frank V. The Boy Pilot of the Lakes - 367 Harry Watson's High School Days - 366 White, Andrew Dickson Fiat Money Inflation in France - 135 Wiggin, Kate Douglas Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - 37 Winfield, Arthur M. (Edward Stratemeyer) Camping out Days at Putnam Hall also called The Putnam Hall Encampment - 372 The Rover Boys at College - 20 The Rover Boys Down East - 38 The Rover Boys in Camp - 373 The Rover Boys in Southern Waters - 32 The Rover Boys in the Air - 374 The Rover Boys on a Hunt - 41 The Rover Boys on a Tour - 25 The Rover Boys on Land and Sea - 35 The Rover Boys on Snowshoe Island - 30 The Rover Boys on the Great Lakes - 16 The Rover Boys on the Ocean - 22 The Rover Boys on the River - 17 The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle - 27 Wyss, Johann David The Swiss Family Robinson - 26 Harvard Classics Volumes If you find these volumes, they can be used in place of some of the above titles. (You can just use the part you need for RC. Some of these contain quite a bit more than just the RC book.) Volume 1 (book 87 - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin) Volume 4 (books 144 - Paradise Lost, and 146 - Paradise Regained by John Milton) Volume 10 (book 145 - The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith) Volume 14 (book 119 - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes) Volume 15 (book 76 - The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan) Volume 17 (book 31 - Aesop's Fables by Aesop) Volume 23 (book 142 - Two Years Before the Mast [And Twenty-Four Years After] by Richard Henry Dana) Volume 30 (book 134 - The Forces of Matter and The Chemical History of a Candle by Michael Faraday) Volume 36 (book 148 - The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli) Volume 38 (book 125 - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, etc. or "Scientific Papers" by Harvey, Holmes, Jenner, Pasteur) Volume 43 (book 126 - American Historical Documents 1000-1904 by Various) Volume 49 (book 100 - The Song of Roland by Anonymous) |
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