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Chronicles of America
The Chronicles of America series contains 50 volumes of history. These were originally printed between 1919 and 1921, and cover up through WWI. etc.)
Note: These will probably appeal more to those who are looking for a textbook-type format.
Please see About the Format of Online Books if you have questions about what's listed here. Some of these books are also available in HTML with pictures. For your eBook reader, use one of Gutenberg's formats, or click on the MB links to find more formats at ManyBooks.
Vol. 1 - The Red Man's Continent; A Chronicle of Aboriginal America MB by Ellsworth Huntington
(Warning: This book makes some culturally insensitive statements in chapter 1. It also uses the word "evolution" in chapters 1 and 2, but other than one sentence about man evolving from an ape, those portions are more about how people, plants and animals have adapted to their climate, etc. You may choose to skip this book, or skip the first two chapters, or discuss these issues with your child.)
Vol. 2 - The Spanish Conquerors; A Chronicle of the Dawn of Empire Overseas by Irving Berdine Richman (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 3 - Elizabethan Sea Dogs; A Chronicle of Drake and His Companions MB by William Charles Henry Wood
Vol. 4 - Crusaders of New France; A Chronicle of the Fleur-de-Lis in the Wilderness MB by William Bennett Munro
Vol. 5 - Pioneers of the Old South; A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings MB by Mary Johnston
Vol. 6 - The Fathers of New England; A Chronicle of the Puritan Commonwealths MB by Charles M. Andrews
Vol. 7 - Dutch and English on the Hudson; A Chronicle of Colonial New York MB by Maud Wilder Goodwin
Vol. 8 - The Quaker Colonies; A Chronicle of the Proprietors of the Delaware MB by Sydney George Fisher
Vol. 9 - Colonial Folkways; A Chronicle of American Life in the Reign of the Georges
by Charles M. Andrews (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 10 - The Conquest Of New France; A Chronicle of the Colonial Wars MB by George McKinnon Wrong
Vol. 11 - The Eve of the Revolution; A Chronicle of the Breach with England MB by Carl Lotus Becker
Vol. 12 - Washington And His Comrades in Arms; A Chronicle of the War of Independence MB by George McKinnon Wrong
Vol. 13 - The Fathers of the Constitution; A Chronicle of the Establishment of the Union MB by Max Farrand
Vol. 14 - Washington and His Colleagues; A Chronicle of the Rise and Fall of Federalism MB by Henry Jones Ford
Vol. 15 - Jefferson and His Colleagues; A Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty MB by Allen Johnson
Vol. 16 - John Marshall and the Constitution; A Chronicle of the Supreme Court MB by Edward Samuel Corwin
Vol. 17 - The Fight for a Free Sea; A Chronicle of the War of 1812 MB by Ralph D. Paine
Vol. 18 - Pioneers of the Old Southwest; A Chronicle of the Dark and Bloody Ground MB by Constance Lindsay Skinner
Vol. 19 - The Old Northwest; A Chronicle of Ohio Valley and Beyond MB by Frederic Austin Ogg
Vol. 20 - The Reign of Andrew Jackson; A Chronicle of the Frontier in Politics MB by Frederic Austin Ogg
Vol. 21 - Paths of Inland Commerce; A Chronicle of Trail, Road and Waterway MB by Archer Butler Hulbert
Vol. 22 - Adventurers of Oregon; A Chronicle of the Fur Trade by Constance Lindsay Skinner (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 23 - The Spanish Borderlands; A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest by Herbert E. Bolton (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 24 - Texas and the Mexican War; A Chronicle of the Winning of the Southwest by Nathaniel W. Stephenson (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 25 - The Forty-Niners; A Chronicle of the California Trail and El Dorado MB by Stewart Edward White
(Warning: This book makes some grossly inaccurate statements about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [particularly Chapter VI]. It's so bad it's almost funny, but it's certainly not accurate history. You can skip Chapter VI and learn about Latter-day Saint beliefs here, and early Church history here.)
Vol. 26 - The Passing of the Frontier; A Chronicle of the Old West MB by Emerson Hough
Vol. 27 - The Cotton Kingdom; A Chronicle of the Old South by William E. Dodd (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 28 - The Anti-Slavery Crusade; A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm MB by Jesse Macy
Vol. 29 - Abraham Lincoln and the Union; A Chronicle of the Embattled North MB by Nathaniel W. Stephenson
Vol. 30 - The Day of the Confederacy; A Chronicle of the Embattled South MB by Nathaniel W. Stephenson
Vol. 31 - Captains of the Civil War; A Chronicle of the Blue and the Gray MB by William Charles Henry Wood
Vol. 32 - The Sequel of Appomattox; A Chronicle of the Reunion of the States MB by Walter Lynwood Fleming
Vol. 33 - The American Spirit in Education; A Chronicle of Great Teachers by Edwin E. Slosson (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 34 - The American Spirit in Literature; A Chronicle of Great Interpreters MB by Bliss Perry
Vol. 35 - Our Foreigners; A Chronicle of Americans in the Making MB by Samuel P. Orth
Vol. 36 - The Old Merchant Marine; A Chronicle of American Ships and Sailors MB by Ralph D. Paine
Vol. 37 - The Age of Invention; A Chronicle of Mechanical Conquest MB by Holland Thompson
Vol. 38 - The Railroad Builders; A Chronicle of the Welding of the States MB by John Moody
Vol. 39 - The Age of Big Business; A Chronicle of the Captains of Industry MB by Burton Jesse Hendrick
Vol. 40 - The Armies of Labor; A Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners MB by Samuel P. Orth
Vol. 41 - Masters of Capital; A Chronicle of Wall Street by John Moody (Uncorrected OCR text or PDF of scanned book at IA. Or whiter scans at GB.)
Vol. 42 - The New South; A Chronicle of Social and Industrial Evolution MB by Holland Thompson
Vol. 43 - The Boss and the Machine; A Chronicle of the Politicians and Party Organization MB by Samuel P. Orth
Vol. 44 - The Cleveland Era; A Chronicle of the New Order in Politics MB by Henry Jones Ford
Vol. 45 - The Agrarian Crusade; A Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics MB by Solon Justus Buck
Vol. 46 - The Path of Empire; A Chronicle of the United States as a World Power MB by Carl Russell Fish
Vol. 47 - Theodore Roosevelt and His Times; A Chronicle of the Progressive Movement MB by Harold Howland
Vol. 48 - Woodrow Wilson and the World War; A Chronicle of Our Own Times MB by Charles Seymour
Vol. 49 - The Canadian Dominion; A Chronicle of Our Norther Neighbor MB by Oscar Douglas Skelton
Vol. 50 - The Hispanic Nations of the New World; A Chronicle of Our Southern Neighbors MB by William Robert Shepherd
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